Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Date Nights


Date nights. 

We have made it a priority in the last year or so to have more regular date nights. It's hard to manage this with young children, but we see the need to get away regularly and reconnect as a couple if our marriage is going to thrive. 

So we go out at least once a month. Usually by ourselves, though in the last few months we've enjoyed some double dates with small group couples too. 

Sometimes we have an "agenda" or some specific topic to discuss. Maybe details with our small group or some particular parenting concern. Other times we'll simply pose a question to one another and talk about it. Like "How do you picture our marriage looking in 3 years and what steps can we take now to get there?" or "What are the top three things you love about me?"  I find that we need a focus for the conversation or we'll just chit chat or delve into work/kid stuff that doesn't end up feeling like a meaningful conversation by the end of the night. For me, that meaningful conversation is the most important part of date night. 

So if you are married, let me encourage you to make time to date your spouse. Don't wake up in 20 years saying, "Who are you? I don't even know you any more."  And if you are not married, consider how you can help strengthen other marriages, by offering to babysit perhaps or to pay for a couple to attend a marriage conference. 

Strong marriages make strong families which make strong communities which make a strong nation. It starts with simple things, like connecting over a date night. 

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