Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Baby Boy's Birthday Party


We celebrated our littlest boy's 2nd birthday last weekend. What a fun time to just celebrate his life together as a family!

Each of his siblings had purchased a gift for him. He received a flashlight toy, Mr Potato Head, a racecar and a rubber ducky. Mom and Dad gave him a battery-operated bubble blower - that makes for a very slippery kitchen floor but is great fun outside :-) - and a set of bowling pins and balls and finally a t-shirt that says I'M 2! Daddy also made him a special crown to wear for his birthday. 

Each family member also created something for him. Some wrote down some special memories of this past year. Some drew a picture, made a card, wrote an acrostic with his name or wrote out a prayer for him. 

We also made a trip to the nearest Build-a-Bear Workshop. I recently learned of their "Buy Your Age" birthday bear. So we were able to buy a bear for only $2. We spent a few more dollars on minimal accessories and birthday boy now has his own stuffed bear.

The birthday boy got to choose what food to eat on his birthday. We enjoyed cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Morning snack was popcorn and pretzels. Lunch was pizza. Afternoon snack was birthday cupcakes. Supper was Burger King fries and chicken nuggets. 

We also Skyped with Grandma K in Wisconsin, so she could watch birthday boy open the gifts she had mailed here.

A very fun birthday celebration, as we thank God for the gift of this little boy. Families are a blessing.
"God sets the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6) We're thankful for the fun, the challenges, the uniqueness that this little boy brings into our lives. 

Happy 2nd Birthday, my son!

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