Monday, March 4, 2019

Drama Camp


My 15-year-old daughter participated in a week-long Drama Camp recently. This was specifically for homeschoolers and was held at a nearby church. The group met from 9 am until 3 pm each day, extending to 9 pm on one day. We figured that the group put in over 45 total hours during this 6-day camp. They start from almost scratch (roles had been assigned and students with speaking parts had memorized their lines) and 6 days later performed a 1.5 hour well-done drama. Students learned about costumes and make-up, as well as set assembly and technical elements. 

Here's my daughter showing off some make-up wounds...

And old-age make-up. 

In costume on the day of the performance. 
The setting was Bible times. 

With a friend

Cast picture

It was a tiring week, requiring her to be up earlier than normal. But she really enjoyed the experience overall and is already looking forward to doing it all again next year! 

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