Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Day in the Life


Finding time to blog is increasingly difficult. My littler kids demand attention and my older kids demand computer use! :-) Both of these demands leave me without opportunity or much brain activity left for blogging... but I continue to do what I can!

Here is a day in the life of our family, in photos.

My 3-year-old ALWAYS hides himself in the clean clothes waiting to be folded (which always land on our couch). Such a cutie!

One other thing this 3-year-old boy is always into is "colorful blocks." At least once a day he requests to play colorful blocks at the kitchen table. He loves to build and pretend. He might make a farm scene with multiple silos or a forest with lots of trees or a city with tall towers. This keeps him busy for at least 30 minutes at a time. 

A few weeks ago my husband and son tore apart our dishwasher, to fix the issue of standing water in the bottom. They ran it through a cycle afterwards, using dishsoap instead of dishwasher detergent. Bubble explosion!

Truly I am thankful for handymen in our family who can fix anything, for free and have a fun time doing it! This dishwasher gets a lot of use these days. We run it once a day and it is jam-packed full of dishes from our family of 7 eating almost every meal at home. We run out of plates and silverware daily now. 

Each spring we have a pair of ducks that hang out in our yard for a few hours or a few days. I assume it's the same pair year after year. Fun to see them appear this week, indicating that spring is coming... though the weather still feels quite wintry!

My 15-year-old continues to love being a part of our church youth group. Her 10th-grade-girls small group had a sleepover last week, so here's her group hanging out together.

My 11-year-old boy has gotten into "geocaching" recently (after learning about it from a book - three cheers for reading!). So when he and my husband have a "dude day out" they like to look for a geocache location and do some searching. This was at a nearby park recently. Very scenic.

My 5-year-old loves to play games, which usually has to wait until her little brothers are in bed at night. She has a window of about 30 minutes before her bedtime, so we sometimes pull out a game to play. Candyland is a favorite! 

Our bird Skittles loves to fly around the house and interact with each family member. On shoulders, on top of heads, on the kitchen table inspecting our food, on the ceiling fan blades... he gets around!

Mom and Dad are up at 5:15 each morning to chat, read the Bible together and pray together before the little boys wake up at 6:00 sharp. 5-year-old sister is up shortly thereafter and the morning is off and running! Here are the three littlest ones with Dad before he leaves for work at 7:15 am.

Busy but full and meaningful life! 

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