Tuesday, July 31, 2018



"Mama said there'd be days like this. 
There'll be days like this, my mama said." 

Jesus said something similar. "In this world you will have trouble, but I leave you my peace." And "Each day has enough trouble of its own." 

Indeed. It's been one of those days for me. 

My little guy is just over a year old. He has now learned how to climb up into the recliners in the living room. So no surprise to us that he has now taken a fall over the arm of the recliner and hit his head on a nearby end table. Ouch! Big gash on forehead. Thankfully it's healing nicely and he was all smiles for me to take a picture of his bonked head.

And my 10-year-old boy is sick. He's had a cough for a few days. It's getting nastier, barkier. And now he's thrown up a few times, not from flu or fever but from intense coughing spasms. So there's puke to clean up. 

Enter my 4-year-old daughter who appears in the kitchen with tears and pleas for help. She has a toy car stuck in her hair! Big sister tried and was unable to get it out. Mom to the rescue! Thankfully we removed it without the use of scissors, though a large clump of hair came out stuck on that one wheel! Ouch! 

And I have a 2-year-old in the typical 2-year-old stage of life. Screams of "No!" and "Mine!" echo throughout the house.

This is real motherhood. 
In the trenches. 
Day in, day out. 
Daily life as we do life together as a family. 
It's messy.
It's loud. 
It's trying and exasperating. 


I love that phrase in the Bible. 
Times are tough, BUT GOD steps in and everything changes.

My day started very early, as my hubby and I woke up earlier than we wanted to in order to spend a few minutes of the quiet in prayer and Bible study. We committed our day to the Lord and our work to His ways. We prayed for ourselves, our children, our friends. 

And so I am thankful that not only did Jesus give us a heads up that we'd have days like this - 
"In this world you will have trouble" - 
but the rest of the verse is just as true -
 "But I give you my peace." 
We can have peace in the midst of chaos. 
We can say that it is well with our soul even when all around us gives way.

Thank you, Jesus, that You are with me in my mothering. 
Thank you, Jesus, for giving us a deep peace that abides even when troubles surround us.
Thank you, Jesus, for meeting with us early in the morning and tuning our hearts so that we can keep our focus when obstacles come to throw us off course.
Thank you, Jesus, for leading us in ways of compassion and grace and tender mercy as we attempt to parent these children the way you parent us. 

God is good, all the time! 
Even on days like this!
Especially on days like this!

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