Friday, July 13, 2018

God at Work in Provision


God is at work. He's always at work, whether we see it or not. Here's a story of how we've seen God at work through provision in the last few days.  

We have had trouble with our family van for a month or so. It's been unreliable and it was our only way to travel anywhere together as a family. My Mr-Fix-It husband had worked on some minor repairs but the CHECK ENGINE light kept coming back on. We were stressed and anxious about the situation and unsure of what we should do to fix it and how to cover the expense of the fix. We were praying together daily about the situation and putting our trust in our Lord, but we were unsure of how things were going to work out.

Last week, out of the blue, we received an anonymous gift of $500 in the mail!  It was like an encouragement note from God to remind us that He still sees and still cares and is still providing for our needs. He is Jehovah Jireh - our God who provides. He has promised to supply all our needs, according to His riches... and He proved Himself faithful once again!

We were able to take our van to the repair shop. The first mom-and-pop shop worked on it and billed us $115.36. However, the CHECK ENGINE light remained on and we took the van to a second repair shop that fixed the issue and charged us $385.45. That's right! The two bills totaled $500 and some change. 

You can't make this up! 
God provided $500. 
The needed repairs were $500. 

We have a working van again! 

Thank you, God, for another reminder of Your bigness! 
Psalm 50 mentions God as the One who "owns the cattle on a thousand hills." He can move on someone's heart to send $500 anonymous to someone else. He can work in the timing to make it arrive at the right moment, to be used in a specific way and to be an encouragement to a spirit in despair. He can know in advance how much is needed to cover a bill for repairs not even done yet. He can. He does. He is still living and moving and working all things out!

Thank you also to that person or family that was sensitive enough to hear God's direction and to respond in obedience. We have been the anonymous givers in the past but never have been the receivers of such a generous gift. It is humbling. It is beautiful. It is faith-building. Thank you!

To God be the glory for great things He has done!

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