Monday, June 18, 2018

Homeschooling 10th Grade - Goals


10th Grade! Sophomore year!

Some people start homeschooling with the intention to go all the way through high school while others take a year-by-year approach. We're pretty solid in our conviction to homeschool and our oldest daughter has no desire whatsoever to change things up at this point. 

So we find ourselves gearing up to start 10th grade! I find this a bit daunting. Homeschooling high school carries a pressure that is much heavier than the younger grades. Transcripts loom. College-prep or dual-credit classes become options. Questions abound as to whether our student will be ready for whatever step they'll take after high school. The material itself is complicated and much of it is over my head as "the teacher."

This is where I am thankful for the curriculum we've used for many years now... Sonlight! Sonlight reassures me that they've chosen excellent books to teach what my student needs at this stage of her schooling. We'll be studying 20th Century history and literature this year. I'm excited about this, as more recent history is far easier for me to understand and enjoy than ancient times. Sonlight includes dozens of great books (NOT TEXTBOOKS) that make studying history fun, bringing the people and events to life.

For math this year, my daughter will be using Teaching Textbooks for Geometry. For science, she will be taking a laid-back approach while helping teach science to her younger siblings. Nothing heavy this year for science. Science for the last 2 years has been intense and she's not a science-brained kid so I'm cool with the choice to take a little break in this area. Instead she's going to focus more on Language Arts where we "coasted" last year. There will be more research papers and creative writing this year. I delight in the freedom I have as a homeschooler to adjust our lessons to life, to what works best for our family or for this girl specifically.

We will also be having an ongoing dialogue about her future plans so we can start taking steps in whatever direction she chooses. We will also continue to discuss technology and her use of computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. as it relates to responsibility and growing in trust in these areas. 

And in the far back of my mind... I will start researching options for Driver's Ed! 

But for now, we are enjoying organizing our books and lesson plans. We'll put together a loose calendar for the school year. 

This girl has already found a book or two to start reading immediately. I love that about Sonlight! The books draw you in. The stories "sneak up on you" so you don't even realizing you're learning history while reading a great book!

Here's to another year of loving Jesus by being intentional about spending time with these children learning about this world God created and finding our places in it. We're growing as disciples so we can go make disciples! 

Thank you, Sonlight, for putting together excellent material that helps us meet our goals! 

And thank you, God, for Your faithfulness to us on this homeschooling journey!

1 comment:

  1. "Here's to another year of loving Jesus by being intentional about spending time with these children learning about this world God created and finding our places in it." Amen!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

