Friday, February 23, 2018

Christmas, yes, Christmas!


A Christmas post. Yes, Christmas! 
I just received some Christmas photos from the party held at my father's house in Wisconsin. So I'm posting some favorites here to share.

Baby boy met Great-Grandma June for the first time.  

Baby boy with cousin Isabelle

And with Christine

 With Grandpa K

In case it wasn't obvious, baby boy stole the show!

Here's middle brother with Aunt Becky

Big smiles with cousin Trent

A shot of me with my oldest daughter and my dad

We played a huge game of BINGO. My daughter "won" this prize - an old Bingo shirt that Grandma June had made a few decades ago. Snazzy!

We took one huge group photo of the entire extended family. 

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the music. Here I was playing the piano for a Christmas carol sing-along.

Merry Christmas to all... in February! :-)  

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