Friday, February 23, 2018



For Valentine's Day this year I received a gift certificate to the local beauty college that offers hair cuts, massages, manicures, pedicures and such. So my daughter and I enjoy a Girls Day Out together. 

My long hair before, nearly 30 inches long from my scalp to my waist

I got nearly 12 inches chopped off my hair!

I also got an hour-long massage - every mother's dream! :-) 

My daughter's before pictures.

And my daughter got a perm to give her hair some wave. 

Fun morning out together! Thanks, honey, for the gift certificate! It was a wonderful treat!

Christmas, yes, Christmas!


A Christmas post. Yes, Christmas! 
I just received some Christmas photos from the party held at my father's house in Wisconsin. So I'm posting some favorites here to share.

Baby boy met Great-Grandma June for the first time.  

Baby boy with cousin Isabelle

And with Christine

 With Grandpa K

In case it wasn't obvious, baby boy stole the show!

Here's middle brother with Aunt Becky

Big smiles with cousin Trent

A shot of me with my oldest daughter and my dad

We played a huge game of BINGO. My daughter "won" this prize - an old Bingo shirt that Grandma June had made a few decades ago. Snazzy!

We took one huge group photo of the entire extended family. 

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the music. Here I was playing the piano for a Christmas carol sing-along.

Merry Christmas to all... in February! :-)  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rain Day


We've had massive amounts of rain in Northern Indiana this week, resulting in flooding. But to my 4-year-old girl, all she wants to do is go jump in puddles!


Happy puddle jumping!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Baby Boy is 7 Months Old



This little boy is 7 months old now! 

He is so adorable! Always smiling at up at us!

He has two little teeth on the bottom now.

He remains one of the happiest babies ever!

Here he is sitting with Grandpa R.

He has started eating some baby food now. Still not too keen on it, but is tolerating it.

In the last month, he has moved to his own room. He is sleeping very well now, from around 6pm until 7am waking just once usually. 

He is sitting well now, with just a little support.

He doesn't crawl forward yet, but does scoot himself backwards. It won't be long before he's quite mobile.

We love you, Little Mister!