Monday, January 15, 2018

Christmas 2017


Christmas 2017 has already come and gone. I already posted pictures and commentary on Christmas from each the kids' point of view so here is one last post from my perspective.

We hosted my husband's side of the family at our house, as we've done for quite a few years now. This was a really nice time. Everyone brings a dish or two to share, so I don't have to do all the food prep. Good attitudes prevailed and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

On Christmas Day, we enjoyed a lazy morning. We ended up running out of time to open our gifts as a family before my Dad was arriving. We didn't get any pictures of our family together... and honestly have very few photos of my husband and I these days. If we take any pictures, they are of the kids and even those are getting harder to remember to take regularly!

Here is a shot of me with my mom and 2 of my 3 brothers. 

I was so excited to give my mom this gift - a personalized doormat that says MY GRANDKIDS ROCK and then has each grandchild's name on a rock. A fun gift and I know personalized gifts mean a lot to her. 

This is my mom opening a silly gift that I gave her - a Bob Ross bobblehead. We all love Bob Ross, so I actually bought one for her and one for each of my brothers. This little Bob not only bobbles but speaks a few Bob-isms and came with a mini portfolio of Bob's paintings. So fun. 

Here's our Christmas card photo for this year.

And just for a good laugh, my daughter and hubby photoshopped that portrait and turned us into Bob Ross' family :-) 

Adios, Christmas 2017!

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