Monday, January 22, 2018

My Girl and the Cubes


This oldest daughter of mine has been into MindBenders lately. Last year she solved the Rubiks Cube

For Christmas, she received this 5x5 cube... and solved it last week. 

And she received this 12-sided cube... and solved it this week. 


Monday, January 15, 2018

Christmas 2017


Christmas 2017 has already come and gone. I already posted pictures and commentary on Christmas from each the kids' point of view so here is one last post from my perspective.

We hosted my husband's side of the family at our house, as we've done for quite a few years now. This was a really nice time. Everyone brings a dish or two to share, so I don't have to do all the food prep. Good attitudes prevailed and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

On Christmas Day, we enjoyed a lazy morning. We ended up running out of time to open our gifts as a family before my Dad was arriving. We didn't get any pictures of our family together... and honestly have very few photos of my husband and I these days. If we take any pictures, they are of the kids and even those are getting harder to remember to take regularly!

Here is a shot of me with my mom and 2 of my 3 brothers. 

I was so excited to give my mom this gift - a personalized doormat that says MY GRANDKIDS ROCK and then has each grandchild's name on a rock. A fun gift and I know personalized gifts mean a lot to her. 

This is my mom opening a silly gift that I gave her - a Bob Ross bobblehead. We all love Bob Ross, so I actually bought one for her and one for each of my brothers. This little Bob not only bobbles but speaks a few Bob-isms and came with a mini portfolio of Bob's paintings. So fun. 

Here's our Christmas card photo for this year.

And just for a good laugh, my daughter and hubby photoshopped that portrait and turned us into Bob Ross' family :-) 

Adios, Christmas 2017!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Christmas - Baby's First


Here are some highlights from Baby Boy's first Christmas.

Here he was with Aunt Sheila.

He was peeking through the hole in the snowman... peek-a-boo, cutie!

Here he was chilling with Aunt Becky.

Cousins Isabelle and Christa were eager to hold him.

He snuggled and cuddled with Grandma K in Wisconsin.

He met some people for the first time, like Aunt Melanie.

All smiles in his red Christmas plaid.

Lots of love from a big sister who thinks a baby is one of the best gifts ever! And she's right!

At the end of a long day... sleep tight!

Merry Christmas, Buddy!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Christmas for a 2-year-old

This is a snapshot of Christmas 2017 from my 2-year-old son's perspective. 

Such a sweetheart, looking so grown up in his Christmas sweater vest!

It's hard to get a picture of this boy sitting still. 
Here he was playing with his new firetruck. 

And he loved his new horse!

He was helping me with open some gifts.

He was all smiles with Daddy.

No matter where we go, even long trips to Wisconsin, his favorite blankie is never far away!

He loves playing with trucks. 

He is an adorable model for his new hat and mittens. 

While at Grandpa K's house in Wisconsin, he was playing with some pennies (which were used for a Bingo game the adults played) in the corner. He's always loved to dump things out and then pick them back up and then repeat the process a dozen times!

Here he was playing with some of his new Duplo trucks on the floor while the rest of us continued to open gifts.

Here he is with 2 of his own brothers and big cousin Zeke... just some of the boys on the Wisconsin side of the family.

Some cuddles with mom when his batteries were winding down. 

Merry Christmas to you, Little Man!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Christmas for a 4 year old

 Here's a snapshot of Christmas 2017 from my 4-year-old daughter's perspective.

This girl was super excited about Christmas this year. She knows that once her birthday comes in mid-December, Christmas is right around the corner. 

She can hardly contain her excitement!

She "wrote" a song this year that she sang over the holidays. It's to the tune of Happy Birthday. 

"Merry Christmas to you. 
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas to you!"

Such sweetness from this bundle of joy!

She loved the excitement of putting up Christmas decorations. 

And she enjoyed decorating Christmas cookies on a few different occasions. 

We hosted the Indiana relatives for Christmas at our house. Here she is playing with cousin Racquel.

Here she and little brother are sitting with Aunt Karen. 

Posing with some of her Christmas gifts - a magnadoodle, a new red bathrobe and reindeer slippers, a little baking set, and a kaleidoscope. 

While celebrating with our Wisconsin family, she loved having Grandma K do her hair up real fancy, like Mama's.

She warmed up quickly with the Wisconsin relatives whom she rarely sees. She's a super social girl and LOVED the party time!

She took a selfie with Grandma K, whom she always refers to as "the Grandma who lives up in Wisconsin." 

Merry Christmas, Rosebud!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Christmas - My Oldest Boy

Here's a Christmas 2017 snapshot from my oldest boy's perspective.

His favorite part has to be SNOW! 
He loves to play outside in snow for hours on end, if we'll let him. In our front yard, he and his older sister built a large hill for sledding/snowboarding down. So fun for them!

Here he is with some of his gifts - a dinosaur 3D puzzle, a fidget cube, a Lego block clock, a new bathrobe and Jonathan Park CDs. 

Here he is with one of his favorite gifts - new walkie talkies!

After hosting the Indiana relatives for Christmas, this boy decided to finish off the leftover punch! :-)

We enjoyed time with Grandma K in Wisconsin, which includes Christmas headgear for all!

Here are a few of the boys on the Wisconsin side of the family. 4 were missing from this picture! And of the 4 that are included, 3 are my boys! Handsome fellas!

Opening up Christmas gifts from Grandma K. 

A piggyback ride from Uncle Brian. 
Great smiles!

He and his older sister spent a few extra days in Wisconsin with Grandpa K. 

He had a very fun holiday season. 
Merry Christmas, Buckaroo!