Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Baby Boy is 5 Months Old


This little boy is 5 months old now! 

Oldest sister is a big help in watching little man!

Older brother likes to hold the baby and read to him.

Big sister thinks he is her baby doll. :-) 
She is a wonderful little mama to him. 

His hat fell off. She put it back on. Love it! 
He sticks that little tongue out a lot now. So cute.

He likes to sit in the high chair and watch us work in the kitchen.

He enjoys the jumperoo in our homeschool co-op nursery.

This boy is a super happy baby. Many people comment on how "chill" he seems. He loves to just watch all the activity in our home. He will stand for over an hour in his exersaucer and just watch, laugh and smile at life. 

He is sleeping better and better all the time. He doesn't like traveling at night (afraid of the dark?) but travels well during the day. He coos and tries to talk with us. He just loves anyone who will give him attention. 

During this season of thanksgiving, we recognize this little child is one of the greatest blessings of the year for our family! 

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