Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Baby Boy Turns 4 Months


Baby boy is now 4 months old! 
Here are some pictures from this past month. 

My baby boy along with his cousin Raven, who is 2 months older than he is. Very close in size. 

Smiling at the webcam, while skyping with Grandma K in Wisconsin. 

We had beautiful weather throughout October, so he enjoyed some stroller rides outside.

He likes to stand in the exersaucer now. There's so much to watch at our house with all the older siblings. Constant entertainment.

He sits in the high chair, so he can get a better view of all that goes on in the kitchen. And he sits with us at the table now for meals, watching. 

He is not really into a sleeping pattern yet, but he is starting to sleep a little bit longer stretches at night. 

He's a big guy and full of smiles. He loves to smile at anyone who will pay attention to him. He has a wonderful belly laugh too now when he's tickled. 

We love you, Mr. Man! 

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