Tuesday, October 18, 2016



October is a month set aside for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness. 

That statement seems so sanitary and carries no emotion... unless it has reason to resonate more deeply. It does with me. I've lost three babies to miscarriage. And those years were the hardest I've ever struggled through. 

There are many dimensions that make it difficult. One of them is the unexpected nature of miscarriage. When one becomes pregnant, it is assumed that one is "going to have a baby." That is, that the baby will grow for 9 months and then be born, happy and healthy. Miscarriage seems to catch everyone off-guard. 

In our situation, we had struggled with infertility prior to our miscarriages. So we were so very thankful to become pregnant - it was like reaching a mountain peak. When the first miscarriage happened, it made the valley below that much deeper. 

I've written many other posts about our experiences with infertility and miscarriage (click on the link on the right side bar to read more). At this point, I just want to encourage you to be sensitive to those who have experienced infant loss. Many suffer in silence. Many stifle the tears and push down the pain. Having a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen can open the door to healing. 

I am comforted in knowing that God, our Father, welcomes little children. He loves them. His Word says "Do not hinder them (the children, from coming to Him) for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 

He knows them. He knows their names. 
He holds them in His hand. We will see them soon enough and get to spend eternity with them, forever. Knowing how much I love my earthly children, I can hardly wait! 

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