Monday, August 22, 2016

Sonlight Box Day - 8th Grade


Box Day is here again! 

This is the day when our new school year curriculum arrives. And it rivals Christmas Day in excitement at our house! 

My daughter. She's 13 now and ready to start 8th grade.

We've homeschooled all the way. I am so very thankful that we've spent all of those hours of school together rather than apart! I wouldn't trade the relationship we've built for anything!

We use a curriculum called Sonlight. We have used it for the last 5 years and really enjoy it. Sonlight is based on great literature and our family LOVES to read together. I'm a little sad that this year, she reads all of these great books independently with no help from me. I'll miss out, but she won't! (Truth be told, I wouldn't have time to read a lot to her since I'm also teaching her 3rd grade brother).

She's a ham, as you can tell from these pictures. She has become such a fun kid to be around. I'm really enjoying her at this stage! 

She wrapped up like a mummy in the packing paper.

And was just all-around goofy!

Happy Box Day and here's to a wonderful school year! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Box Day, indeed! And, yes, may this be a wonderful school year [smile].

