Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Happy Anniversary!


It's not my anniversary... but it is my in-laws' 46th wedding anniversary today! Happy Anniversary!

For the last 20 years, these two have welcomed me as part of the family. My mother-in-law has always been one of the most giving and generous people that I know. She speaks the love language of giving. She knows how to size up anyone and then find things to fit them just right. She picks up on a little mention of this or that, tucks the thought away in her mind and then will surprise you with something she bought for you to meet that need. 

Now my father-in-law... well, he's never been a very affectionate man. He's a military man. He's a factory man. He's not the emotional type. But in the last few years, he's battled Parkinson's disease and he has come to grips with his own mortality and frailness. And in doing so, he has become a gentler man. Now it is not uncommon to hear him tell others that he loves them. He has pulled me aside a few times to tell me that he's glad I'm part of the family and that his son (my hubby) made a good choice in choosing me. 

I know their marriage has had its ups and downs. 
I know it's been rocky and has not met all of their expectations. 

Happy 46th Anniversary!

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