Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wisconsin Visit


We recently spent a week visiting family in Wisconsin. 

We spent a few days with my mom, which was very nice. She's a great hostess when our big ole crew of 6 shows up! 

We had a family wedding to attend, which was a great opportunity to visit with extended family members we rarely see. Congratulations, Adam and Bethany!

The wedding also meant dressing up. Here's our crew dressed up, with an unhappy baby who was just woken up.

And me, my baby boy and niece Trinity. She looks like she could be one of mine with the dark hair! 

Here's my littlest guy having fun playing on the kitchen floor.

A few shots of my older kids playing at the local park. 

And playing in Grandma's backyard. We had some very nice weather with plenty of opportunities for playing outside in the sandbox or on the swingset.

My oldest daughter being her usual silly self.

My mom enjoyed time with the littlest ones.

She's a master at Dr. Seuss...

And doing fingernails too!

One of my all-time favorite things to do with my mom - to let her play with my hair. No better feeling than having her comb and style my hair! So she did a few fun braids for me during our visit.

And a small braid in my oldest daughter's short hair.

We had lunch with my dad, which was also nice. He had some veggies ready to pick out of his garden boxes so we helped with that. And he has a trampoline in the backyard which my older kids hopped on right away.

Oh... and our van turned 100,000 miles during this vacation! A picture-worthy occasion that makes the highlight reel! 

My little guy and me. Love him so!

He was so tuckered out during the long drive home! 

We are so thankful for getaways... and thankful to be back home again too! 

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