Monday, May 23, 2016

My Boy at 8 Months


This boy. 8 Months. It's true! 

In the last month, his first two teeth have popped out!

He's learned to sit up very well with no support.

And, drum roll... he is FINALLY sleeping at night! It's been a long 8 months for mama, as this boy has wanted to be by my side day and night. This included waking 5-8 times per night on a regular basis. BUT NO MORE! Now he is in his own bed, in his own room. He goes to bed around 7 pm and wakes around 6 am, waking twice during the night for a quick feeding. 

In public, the most common things I hear are... 
1) Is he always this happy? 
To which I respond, "Yes, IF he's with mama."
2) He looks so much older with his hair cut. 
3) He doesn't look like your other kids, but has his own look OR 4) He looks so much like your other kids! 
5) I love seeing those chubby rolls!

We love you, Little Man. 
Way to grow, grow, grow this month! 

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