Friday, May 27, 2016

16 Years Together


This week marked our 16th wedding anniversary. 

A lot has happened in 16 years. We have certainly grown through the ups and downs, the good and the bad, the sickness and the health, the joy and the sorrows, the numerous stages of family life and parenting. Our love has greater depth now, as we've experienced so many things together.

God has been faithful to us and we thank Him!

Monday, May 23, 2016

My Boy at 8 Months


This boy. 8 Months. It's true! 

In the last month, his first two teeth have popped out!

He's learned to sit up very well with no support.

And, drum roll... he is FINALLY sleeping at night! It's been a long 8 months for mama, as this boy has wanted to be by my side day and night. This included waking 5-8 times per night on a regular basis. BUT NO MORE! Now he is in his own bed, in his own room. He goes to bed around 7 pm and wakes around 6 am, waking twice during the night for a quick feeding. 

In public, the most common things I hear are... 
1) Is he always this happy? 
To which I respond, "Yes, IF he's with mama."
2) He looks so much older with his hair cut. 
3) He doesn't look like your other kids, but has his own look OR 4) He looks so much like your other kids! 
5) I love seeing those chubby rolls!

We love you, Little Man. 
Way to grow, grow, grow this month! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Airport Fun


 A few weeks ago Daddy had to take a trip to San Francisco for business. This was the first time my younger kids had been to the airport, so it was very exciting for them. 

We were able to watch Daddy's plane take off and then land again 5 days later. For quite a few days afterwards, my 2-year-old daughter would assume that Daddy was up in the sky in an airplane any time that he was away from home. 

The airport adventures were fun for our kids and gave us a good excuse for a "field trip." But we were all so glad to have Daddy back home after his trip! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day 2016


An Ode to My Mother - a poem for Mother's Day 2016 

Roses are red and violets are blue 
I can't afford flowers to send to you 

But as far as moms go, you're among the best 
Standing far and away above all the rest 

Your days were once filled with diapers and tots
No sleep, no money, just stains and spots 

But your heart was full too of your children's love 
Hugs and kisses sent to you from God above

Now my days are filled as yours once were 
No time to rest, as I serve, serve, serve 

But today I remember your service true 
And wish a Happy Mother's Day to you!  

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My Boys


My two boys. 
8 years apart in age. 
But raising my baby boy is like living in the twilight zone, raising my older boy all over again... in some ways. 
The two look so much alike to me. 
Here are a few pictures that show the similarities. 

These first two are shots of my current baby boy (well, current as of a few weeks ago, before his hair cut). These were 6 month portraits. Lots of chubby rolls. And dark hair.

And a picture of my older son when he was 6 months old. That dark hair. And those ears. This is probably my favorite baby picture of this child. 

So what do you think? Similar? 

As an aside... is there anything cuter than a baby in a bathtub portrait!!!