Monday, April 25, 2016

Homeschool Co-op Semester Ends


We were once again delighted to be able to participate in a homeschool co-op during the spring semester. Home Grown Hearts is a group of nearly 50 families (130ish kids) who get together one morning a week for 12 weeks to learn together. The kids enjoy snacks together, play gym games and take other social/educational classes. The moms help teach classes, work in the nursery and have at least one hour of small group prayer time. 

This semester my oldest daughter (12 years old) noticed that her classes were getting harder. She took Poetry, Canvas Painting, Bible, and Show & Tell (informal public speaking). She had to write a few papers for Bible class and write numerous poems for Poetry. These assignments challenged her. I was glad for these classes, though she was ready to throw in the towel and go back to easier ones! In this photo she is showing off her 4 canvas paintings. I'm proud of her!

My son (age 8) enjoyed his classes: Liberty Kids (revolutionary war history, videos and discussion), Gym, Character Traits and Godly Men. Here he is with a poster he helped create on Thomas Paine, one of the influential men of Revolutionary War times. And in front of the poster is a lapbook he created in the same class with facts on other characters from that time period. I'm proud of him! The Liberty Kids class has given him a good foundation for American History, which we jump into next school year.

The kids are challenged each semester to memorize a scripture passage. This year it was Psalm 91:9-16. Both my older two memorized it completely. I'm proud of them for hiding God's Word in their hearts. All of the kids who memorize the passage go up on stage to recite it for all those assembled at the end-of-semester program. 

And here's the entire group of all the children from our co-op. They encourage me and give me great hope for the future!

My semester was spent almost entirely in the nursery, with my two littlest people. I don't mind that at all. There are a handful of other moms serving in there, so we chat while changing diapers and rocking babies. And I enjoy spending the time with my own two in there too. Then for one hour I had my small group prayer time, which always provides a more intentional time of slowing down, sharing at a deeper level and carrying each others' burdens. 

I love our co-op. I love America, where we have the freedom to teach our children at home. I love seeing God's Word spoken and memorized and shared and lived out. 
I am most abundantly blessed!

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