Friday, March 25, 2016

Baby Boy Turns 6 Months Old


 Time flies when you're having fun... or when you're an infant! This little man turned 6 months old this week. 

Earlier this month, we had some cool weather. But after being cooped up indoors, we headed out for a walk. Here the little guy was all bundled up for his first walk this year. Since then we've had warmer spring weather and have been spending much more time outside. Yeah! 

Sleepy, sleepy. This little guy keeps me guessing. He has fallen into numerous sleep patterns only to have them not stick for more than couple days.  Now he's back to waking 2-3 hours each night to nurse. And he is not liking his own bed in his own room. He much prefers to be side-by-side with Mom. 

Sporting one of his favorite outfits (ok, ok, it's my favorite and I just assume he likes it as much as I do)

Receiving some cuddles from big brother and...

 sister jumped in the chair with them. 
They love their little bro and he loves them.

Happy Half Birthday, Mr. Man! 
We love you and are so thankful you're a part of our family! 

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