Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Baby Boy is 4 Months Old!


 My baby boy is growing, growing, growing. 
He isn't much of a newborn at all now. He's actually quite big - over 18 pounds already! So at 4 months he's the size of a 1-year-old. Not surprising, though... I grow big babies!  

Big sister wants to hold him. 

Such a sweet little mama she is to him!

He's still a cuddle bug and loves to be held. He enjoyed some snuggles with Grandma K earlier this month.

He now can stand up in the exersaucer...

And sit in his bumbo seat.

This month he gained a lot more head control. His eyes are tracking with our movements more. And he is starting to sleep longer stretches at night (yahoo, says this tired mama). 

He also can "walk" in his walker now. 

Here's big brother and little brother. 

Handsome fellows!

We sure love you, little man! You are a gift from God and we are enjoying you to the fullest! 

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