Monday, November 2, 2015

Baby Boy is 1 Month Old


 My baby boy is already passing the newborn phase. 
His first month is over and he's moving on, 
growing just as he should.

First walk around the neighborhood. We have had beautiful warm weather that afforded us opportunities for many walks during this month.

Sporting a cute-as-a-button hat. 

First bath at home. 

My toddler helping hold baby. She tries to help in lots of ways with baby - bringing me things I need, always on the look-out for his pacifier or blanket. She repeats his name over and over. 

Sleeping in the cradle Daddy designed and made 12 years ago for our first baby. All our kids have used it. 

My oldest daughter encouraging baby during tummy time.

Sleeping in the playpen.

One month shot - you can already see that he's growing. 
At birth - 8 pounds 6 ounces. 
At one month - 11 pounds 2 ounces.

As sleep deprived as I am, I still cherish these moments with him, as I know they pass quickly. We love you, Baby Boy!

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