Thursday, April 30, 2015

Homeschool Co-op: End of Another Semester



The Spring 2015 semester of our homeschool co-op has come to an end. We had 46 families with 131 children participating this time around.

My 7-year-old son enjoyed these K1 classes: Math Games, Gym, Maps (which I taught; read more here about that class) and Health. 

In this picture is my son's Math Games class at our end-of-the semester program, counting to 5 in 5 different languages (English, Spanish, Japanese, Sweedish and German). Great job! 

My 11-year-old daughter enjoyed these Jr High classes: Gym, Crafts, Spanish and Board Games.

In this picture is my daughter's Spanish class reciting Juan 3:16 at the end-of-semester program. Que bueno!  

On co-op days, I spent one hour in the nursery, one hour in prayer group (which is a wonderful requirement of this Christian group), one hour teaching K1 Maps and one hour co-teaching Sr High Speech. Yes, from nursery up to Sr High, my day ran the gamut of ages and stages! This was the busiest I've been at our co-op, in terms of teaching. Next semester I'll be back to nursery for three hours and prayer group for one. I'm already looking forward to that slower paced semester!

The group learned Psalm 20:5-9 this semester. Any students who could recite this from memory on the last day received a prize. This picture is of the group that was able to recite the passage. My daughter is up there somewhere. My son gave up on memorizing the passage this time around, claiming it was too hard. But to see all of these other children, some of whom were younger than him, able to recite it... well, hmmm, maybe it wasn't TOO hard. 

Now we have a break for the summer. I will say again that I really enjoy our co-op. 12 weeks together in the spring, a nice long summer break, then 12 weeks together in the fall, followed by a 2-month holiday break. It's a wonderful schedule that suits our family so well. And the group of families that participate are wonderful. I enjoy the time with the fellow moms and am thankful for the time and commitment of each of them. 

Three cheers for homeschool co-op!

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