Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Specials


 Here are a few photos from our church's Christmas specials this weekend. The last few years, my kids have not wanted to participate. This year, they did. They did not want a part (no angels or Mary or anything "showy") but they did participate. 

My oldest daughter photobombing "Mary and Jesus" as they lined up to head in to the sanctuary 

My girl on the bottom right as "Joseph" said a few words

My boy, on the right, in the vest.

And a shot of me and my baby girl as we watched from the back. 

All the children looks so great when they are dressed up for special occasions like this. So I always remind myself that it's not the outside that matters, but what's in the heart. Nonetheless... my simple eyes and these pictures can only show the outside. I pray that all will take time to ponder the true meaning of Christmas, of Emmanuel, of God making His dwelling with man. 
Incredible! What a gift! Definitely worth celebrating!

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