Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jesus!


Happy birthday, Jesus!

There is no other whose birth is celebrated worldwide 2000 years later. There is no other whose birth is celebrated by hundreds of songs written just for the occasion. 

This baby made the angels sing. 
This baby made a new star shine in the sky.
This baby is God's own Son. 
This baby is Jesus! 

Merry Christmas to one and all! 
And Happy Birthday, Jesus! 
How glad we are to celebrate YOU!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Birthdays Galore


With my son turning 7 in early December and then my daughter turning 1 in mid-December, we've been celebrating a lot this month! 

Here is my boy waiting as patiently as a 7-year-old can to open his gifts! His main gift was a plasma car, which has been a huge hit! 

Even my 11-year-old girl can ride on it. She will hold baby girl on her "lap" and ride it. They both love it!

He also received a GI JOE action figure from Grandma in Wisconsin. Here we were skyping with Grandma so she could watch him open it.

Here is baby girl on her birthday, receiving some gifts from Grandma in Wisconsin and opening them via Skype. A light-up push toy, a beautiful dress and lots of smiles. We love Skype... use it regularly to talk with Grandma so she can actually see the kids too. 

Happy birthday to these special kiddos! 

My hubby, my oldest daughter and I all have summer birthdays, which we celebrate in one big birthday bash. So I'm glad that these two kids have close birthdays too. We put up the birthday banner in early December and just leave it up for the whole month, as we prepare for Jesus' birthday at Christmastime as the ultimate birthday celebration! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Kids


Christmas pictures of my favorite gifts!

Great smiles all around!

Look at those adorable Christmas kids!

And of course we had the usual difficulty of photographing a toddler... hard to snap the picture while she's still. But we did get some great shots!

So fun to have new pictures taken with all 3 kids. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Specials


 Here are a few photos from our church's Christmas specials this weekend. The last few years, my kids have not wanted to participate. This year, they did. They did not want a part (no angels or Mary or anything "showy") but they did participate. 

My oldest daughter photobombing "Mary and Jesus" as they lined up to head in to the sanctuary 

My girl on the bottom right as "Joseph" said a few words

My boy, on the right, in the vest.

And a shot of me and my baby girl as we watched from the back. 

All the children looks so great when they are dressed up for special occasions like this. So I always remind myself that it's not the outside that matters, but what's in the heart. Nonetheless... my simple eyes and these pictures can only show the outside. I pray that all will take time to ponder the true meaning of Christmas, of Emmanuel, of God making His dwelling with man. 
Incredible! What a gift! Definitely worth celebrating!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Cookies


It's that time of year again. 
Can you smell the sweet smell of sugar cookies baking in the oven, hear the giggles of the children as they decorate their cookies with favorite colors and sprinkles, hear the pride in their voice as they show off their creations, and then listen to the hearty "mmmmm" as they eat the favorite cookie of their choosing.

Daddy and our 7-year-old boy had some fun together cutting out the cookies.

We had some friends over one morning this week to help decorate all the cookies. Fun times together!

I admit that I sometimes dread the extra time and effort it takes to do special things like this with the kids. Yet, I find that it is getting easier as the kids get older. They are truly helpers now, in rolling out dough and making the cookies, in decorating the cookies *nice* enough that we can consider giving some away with being embarrassed :-) and  in cleaning up the mess left behind after the sprinkle-fest occurs. 

So this is my reminder to self: despite the extra work, keep doing these special things. They are worth it and are indeed making memories that will last a lifetime.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Baby Girl Turns One


My baby girl turns one this week. 

This has been such a wonderful year, having a baby in the house again. Of course, we've had our share of sleepless nights and other challenges that come along with a newborn. But they are WAY overshadowed by the joy, the pure excitement and the delight this little lady has brought into our lives. 

Happy first birthday, Baby Girl! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Boy is 7

Hear ye, hear ye! This boy turns 7 this week! 

WHAT?! How can that be? I can't explain it, but it has indeed been 7 years since his birth. This big 11-pound baby was such a wonderful gift from the Lord to us. And of course he remains a bundle of energy and silliness and excitement today.

Having a son brings out a different side of me as a mom. I have to let him run, let him risk, let him live on the wild side... despite everything in me that wants to call him back to safety. But he is a boy. He must get out and explore, must end up with scraped knees and bloody knuckles in order to prove something to himself and to the world. I love him to death, but he certainly also scares me to death sometimes! 

Happy birthday to my not-so-little boy!