Friday, August 8, 2014

Birthday Celebrations


We recently had a birthday bash to celebrate my daughter turning 11, as well as my birthday (which is 2 days after hers) and my husband's birthday (which was 3 weeks ago). 

We have such a fun time! 

 My hubby grilled out shish-kabobs. Yummo! We also enjoyed watermelon, custard eggs, pasta salad, homemade pickles from our garden, root beer floats. 

Some folks hung out outside. 
The weather was great to be outside.

A view of folks chatting inside the house.

Here's my daughter with her 11 candles and cake.

My silly husband and myself as we listened to the birthday song and prepared to blow out our candles. Yes, he decided to smoke his candle :-)

Here's my littlest daughter being entertained by Great Uncle (a.k.a. Gruncle) Greg. 

Here's my daughter opening up a gift. She received 2 lava lamps, which were on her wish list. 

They have provided hours of entertainment since she opened them. 

My son had to get a good grin in for the camera. 
He's such a sweetie! 

On my actual birthday, my niece Racquel was over to spend some time with us. She and my now 11-year-old daughter decorated a cake and cupcakes. They also cleaned up after themselves in the kitchen, which was a great birthday gift to me! :-)

Fun times with family, celebrating life. 
Thank you God for these precious times together!

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