Friday, August 29, 2014

Beach Day


On one hot summer day last week we headed to the beach with our friends. 

We make this trek once annually, which honestly is about as much beach as this mama can handle!

I have my 3 kids - ages 11, 6 and 8-months. My friend Leah goes with us with her 3 kids - ages 8, 6 and 3. Leah is also pregnant with her 4th. So our hands are full when we make this trip, though we are thankful for our older children who help to keep an eye on the younger ones. 

Two things set this beach day apart from the rest. One, we remembered to take our sled which helped greatly in transporting our towels, snacks, etc. over the sand. Two thumbs up - must remember this for next year! Second, this was the year of the biting flies. For whatever reason, these pesky biting flies would not leave us alone! They stayed near the ground, not coming higher than a foot off the ground. So our legs looked good to them and they bit, bit and bit all they wanted! The kids were in constant motion which kept the flies at bay, but for Leah and myself we had to wrap our legs tightly with towels to keep the biting flies away. Ugh! 

Another summer bucket list item crossed off! 

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