Friday, June 6, 2014

Reading Missionary Stories


I mentioned before that we have been reading some missionary biographies for our homeschool studies recently. Specifically, we've read about David Livingstone and Mary Slessor who both worked in Africa.

Reading missionary biographies was new to us, but we have really enjoyed it. We've since picked up another book about Amy Carmichael to continue reading about missionaries just for fun. These books opened up some wonderful dialog about missionary concerns. For example, we talked through the difficulties related to being married and raising a family on the mission field (a major issue for David Livingstone's adventurous and pioneering spirit). Mary Slessor (and Amy Carmichael) had to wrestle with English versus native dress, realizing that their traditional clothing could be a hindrance to the gospel. My daughter also asked about whether other religions have missionaries, which led to a great discussion of the Christian faith, the love and mercy and kindness of Jehovah God and how that contrasts with the gods of other religions. 

So again I thank Sonlight, our homeschool curriculum provider, who include wonderful stories like these to raise awareness of missions and missionary concerns, as we learn about history and geography along the way. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this! One of my favorite parts of Sonlight is the missionary biographies and seeing how God has been faithful in the lives of others, in the good and bad times.

