Friday, November 29, 2013

Homeschool Co-Op Semester Ends


We took part in a homeschool co-op this semester, as we've done for the last few semesters. Our co-op has been a wonderful addition to our homeschooling, providing social and educational opportunities for my kids and for me. Our co-op is made up of about 50 other local homeschooling families, all of whom are seeking to honor the Lord Jesus Christ within their families. Our group is committed to scripture memory and prayer, which is one reason why it's a big blessing to all who participate. I've written before about our co-op, so if you want to read more click here
or here.

My 5th grade daughter enjoyed these classes this semester: US Presidents (learning a little about each one, learning about the office and perks of the President, holding a mock election), Gym, Creatures that Defy Evolution, and Pinterest Crafts (some of the craft/art projects are on display in the above picture). She surprised me greatly by LOVING her Gym class. I hated Gym with a passion when I was younger, so I guess I expected her to feel the same way. But she loved the games and especially the weeks focused on learning to play volleyball. 

My son is in Kindergarten and he chose these classes: Frog & Toad (they read books from this series and did crafts/activities related to the book's theme, such as kites or cookies), Gym, Animals, and Legos. I was not too surprised that my boy would also LOVE Gym class, since he has boundless energy. He really enjoyed all of his classes, though. Creating new things in Lego class, learning fascinating facts about animals, bringing home fun craft pages from Frog & Toad... he enjoyed all of it. In the picture above, he and his Animals classmates were classifying different stuffed animals into groups of birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, or amphibians.

Last week we had our last day of co-op and our end-of-semester program. All of the kids go on stage to recite the verses they've memorized, which was Romans 12:9-13 this semester. And we enjoy a night highlighting what classes and activities took place throughout the semester. 

 Now we take a break for a few months before the spring semester starts up. It is a joy to be a part of this group! 

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