Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pregnancy Update - 31 Weeks


31 Weeks Along

The reality of a new baby is slowly coming back to me. I've been sorting and organizing baby clothes. Since we're not finding out the gender ahead of time, I have 3 piles - boy, girl and neutral. It would be easier to prepare if we found out the gender... but more fun to be surprised, if we can hold out!  

These days, my husband and I are in negotiations about baby names. :-)  We're settled on a few girl name possibilities, but have no boy name options that we agree on. We'll keep talking, though we won't be sharing any name possibilities until the baby arrives and the "real" name is chosen. So no need to ask ahead of time :-) 

Sleeping well at night is becoming difficult. I'll be honest that most days I try to squeeze in an afternoon nap. 

I was talking recently with mom friend who is also my age (mid to late 30s) and is pregnant. We were comparing notes of how this pregnancy differs from pregnancies in our 20s. More fatigue, aches and pains. Getting bigger sooner. But also a greater appreciation for life and baby. A great recognition of the sacrifice, yes, but also the fact that it's so worth it. 

We love you, Baby Flutter, and anxiously await your arrival in about 9-10 weeks!

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