Friday, September 20, 2013

Pregnancy Update - 29 Weeks


29 Weeks Along

A few weeks into my 3rd trimester now.

I feel Baby Flutter moving ALL DAY LONG, which is fine by me because it's reassurance that everything is a-ok. My husband and kids regularly feel and see the baby's movements now too - my heart delights to see them interacting with Flutter too.

I feel big. I know my uterus is stretched out due to my previous pregnancies and my son's enormous size (11 pounds 4 ounces at birth). My midwife prescribed a pregnancy belt to help support my belly and ease back pain. 

In the last week or so we've begun to get more things ready for baby. I've pulled out the boxes of baby clothes that have been in storage for 6 years and begun to wash, sort and organize them. I've begun to set aside items for the hospital bag and baby's diaper bag. 

My appointments with my midwife are now every 2 weeks. At each appointment, everything is looking good. Baby's heartbeat is strong. Baby and uterus are measuring normally. So we move forward with great hope that this baby will be born happy and healthy when the time comes. 

We love you, Baby Flutter!

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