Thursday, September 5, 2013

On the Third Day of Vacation, My True Love Said to Me...


On the third day of vacation, my true love said to me... "Let's go to Packer Country!" 

We woke up at our friend Gail's house and were treated to a great breakfast spread (we really did feel like we were in the lap of luxury the first few days of this vacation). 

 Gail accompanied us to the AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh, WI. This museum had dozens of planes and other "experimental aircraft" to look at. 

They had a fun hands-on area for kids, which we all enjoyed. 

Here my son and I were trying to steer a hot air balloon during a simulated ride.

There was a real-size (but not functional) control tower to look out over a landing strip. There were stunt planes in the skies all around us which was quite entertaining.

We took a tram ride to a separate part of the facility where you can pay for a 15-minute airplane ride (we did not). They had dozens more old airplanes parked in real hangars and open to viewing. 

After lunch together, we said our good-byes to Gail (and gave some big thank-yous for her hospitality). It was neat that she could accompany us on our morning excursion - giving us more time to spend with her and giving her a chance to experience AirVenture, which was new to her too.

Then we headed to Green Bay, Packer Country! 
My daughter dressed for the occasion.

We camped out at a local campground, which boasted a pool, a volleyball court (which doubled as a sandbox for my son's use, which was the highlight of this campsite), and a great playground for the kids. 

The only down-side of this campsite was that we were right next to the bathrooms, so we had MANY people cutting through our site to reach the facilities. 

I guess the upside of that is that it was super close for this pregnant mama when she had to use it too!

Since this was our first night of true camping, we made a trip to the nearest WalMart to buy some food and supplies. You know you're in Wisconsin when...cheese hats are available right alongside your groceries. 

Details on day four coming up...

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