Tuesday, September 17, 2013

On the Ninth Day of Vacation, My True Love Said to Me...


On the ninth day of vacation, my true love said to me... "Let's go spot a mystery."

It rained during the night. 
Things were soggy. 
We didn't sleep well. 
Our 9th day didn't start out on a good foot.
It continued to rain throughout most of the day. 

We were thankful that we'd visited infamous Mackinac Island the day before when the weather was pleasant, because this would've been a terrible day for that visit. 

We stayed put most of the day, not going out until evening. 
This was a low point for me, personally, and I was ready to call the rest of our vacation off to just go home. 

Thankfully, our friends the Williamsons (whose land we were camping on) saw our plight and took pity on us. They invited us in for warm food and shelter from the rain. They offered me a bed so I could take a nice long nap. My hubby took our kids to a laundromat to dry out some of our soggy items. And by evening, the sun was shining and life looked more promising. 

So in the evening we went on three small adventures. First, we visited a local shop to try a "pasty" which we were told was a local favorite food. Second, we visited a local attraction that we'd been told was interesting in an odd sort of way. The Mystery Spot was indeed an odd place to visit. It felt like a tourist trap and wasn't worth the money, but was somewhat interesting to the kids. 

Our last adventure of the day was stopping by Lake Huron for the kids to at least dip their feet in. My daughter had been keeping track during the entire vacation of when she first had seen a new Great Lake or when she touched one of the lakes for the first time. This was the first touching of Lake Huron for all of us.

We returned to the Williamsons' where they had graciously found places for us to sleep INSIDE their in-process-of-remodeling house. We had a wonderful night of sleep after a rather long and somewhat gloomy day. 

So ended day nine!

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