Friday, September 27, 2013

Family Photo Friday

 It's the end of September already! Time just keeps speeding by. Here are a few photos from the last few weeks. Since I've not posted pictures on Fridays for a while, I've got some catching up to do!

My son loves to swing. He asked me to get a picture of him going really high, which is really hard to do as an action shot. 

My hubby giving the kids a wheelbarrow ride. They never seem to tire of this. 

My chimpanzees playing on the neighbor's playset. 

My goofy boy after a bath, with his crazy spiked hair. 

My kids always enjoy using our couch cushions for horses. Are mine the only ones who do this? 

Kids + Toys = Cuteness 

My daughter when another tooth fell out. Her smile is a changing.
Happy Friday to you!

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