Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pregnancy - 18 Weeks


18 Weeks Along

I feel great! 

I have energy. 
I'm not sick. 
I've got a little belly, but moving around isn't uncomfortable. 
I'm still enjoying the newness of my borrowed maternity wardrobe.

I had an appointment this week with my midwife. All is well. She could feel the baby kick her when she was trying to hear the heartbeat, so that confirmed that the movements I've been feeling really are baby (and not gas or something)!

 Since my last baby was born extra large (over 11 pounds), they ordered an early diabetes bloodtest to get a leg up on the possibility of gestational diabetes. I have gained about 10 pounds so far, which is in the perfectly normal range.

 According to the books, Baby Flutter is now about the size of a large tomato and hair is starting to sprout.

Next doctor appointment is in 2 weeks for the 20-week (halfway point - yahoo) ultrasound.  

We love you, Baby Flutter!

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