Monday, June 17, 2013

Strawberry Pickin'


One day last week we met up with my friend Leah and her kids for a morning of strawberry picking! What fun we had! 

Two of the 5 kids between us even said "This was the best day of my entire life," they enjoyed it so much. 

All of the kids were excellent helpers, enabling us to pick all the berries we wanted in about one hour - perfect timing, before any of the littler kids started melting down.

We got SO many strawberries and the price was excellent - $20 for all of these! These were just the berries I took - Leah got an equal or greater amount as well.

We spent most of the next 24 hours working on strawberry jam and there's plenty of it! We're definitely set for the next year as far as strawberry jam goes!

This was the first time that Leah or myself had ever been strawberry pickin' but it won't be the last! We have a new June activity that the kids loved (that included free healthy snacks) and we had a lot to show for the one hour of work. 

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