Monday, June 24, 2013

Garden Update


It's been a few weeks since I've posted a garden update. Everything is growing and looking so good! 

Our corn is knee-high and looking good. We've also got some cucumbers and cantaloupe coming in.

We continue to have lettuce daily, along with plenty to share with neighbors and friends. In the picture, the lettuce is on the far right, cut off the picture. But it's very bright green and leafy. On the left is broccoli, which hasn't produced any heads yet but should be close. In the middle... turnips, I think. Nothing yet from them either, in terms of anything edible. Lots of green in the garden... besides lettuce, we're still waiting for the parts we can eat!

Our beans are getting taller and vine-ier, but no signs of beans quite yet. There should be some actual beans soon. The tomato plants are looking good, but need a few more weeks before they'll be producing tomatoes.

 We've had beautiful weather for the garden this year. Last year was super-hot and drought conditions. I know of some places this year that have been saturated with rains. We have had a great season so far - good amount of sun, but not too hot. Some rain, but not too much. 
Perfect summer weather so far this year!

Happy gardening!

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