Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our Garden


Spring is here, which means our garden is planted! It has been for a few weeks, actually. We started some things indoors but planted everything in the outside garden a couple weeks ago. 

We've planted garlic, lettuce, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, two types of beans, two types of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and corn. Most of these are repeats from what we planted last year, but we there are a few new items too.

Almost everything is coming up already, which means it looks mighty tempting to all the rabbits we have in our area. We put the fence up to help with that and so far, so good. 

We wanted to try our hand at a few "edible landscape" plants - so we planted a few of our veggies in our flowerbeds around the house. Well... we may end up moving those back to the fenced-in garden because the bunnies have found them to be cage-free and helped themselves!

 Our entire family is involved with our garden. We find it enjoyable and relaxing, as well as rewarding as we harvest what we have grown. We all take part in planning, planting, watering, weeding, etc.

I will continue to give updates on the garden as the weeks go along.

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