Friday, May 17, 2013

Family Photo Friday


It's Friday! That means that I post family photos, so here are a few to give you a glimpse into our life lately.

My daughter, curled up with a good book. One of my favorite ways to find my daughter! :-)

We had some hot weather this week, with highs in the 80s. Time for my son's summer haircut. He's very proud of himself these days, as he can swing HIGH all by himself. Doesn't need pushing any longer. Growing boy.

My daughter had a sleepover this week at her friend Regan's house. Here they are together.

My daughter took a few pictures this week of wildlife in our backyard. She found this lazy squirrel in a tree. He laid there for nearly an hour. Apparently, he'd had a long, exhausting day and is totally spent! 

And she found this bird's nest, complete with baby birds. Such a sweet sign of spring.

Happy Friday to you!

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