Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Boy Turns 5


My boy turns 5 this week.  

 This is the boy we didn't know if we'd have, after years of infertility. This is the boy who didn't want to come out of the womb. This is the boy that was 11 days overdue and who was our "double blessing" born weighing 11 pounds 4 ounces! He was a BIG gift from the Lord!

He is such a blessing to us all.

He makes smile. He loves to make me laugh and I love to make him laugh - he is especially ticklish! 

He has a tender heart. Whenever I'm crying, he notices and asks if I am sad and why. He somehow knows that what I need at that moment is a hug and he'll whisper, unprompted, "I love you."     

I can't imagine our family without this little man
We love him so!

I am a much better mom because of him. I'm more mellow because of him. I'm more patient. I'm more kind. I am more loving and tender. I prayed and hoped and prayed and wished and prayed some more for this child... and God gave him to us. SUCH a precious gift!

Just for fun, you can click here to see my blog post from last year when he turned 4 (as well as links to his previous birthday photos and his birth story). It's a fun walk down memory lane.

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday my son...we're so glad God gave you to our family! (*head drill*).
