Friday, December 14, 2012

Family Photo Friday

Friday is here again. The weeks are rushing by, bringing us ever closer to the end of another year. Since it's Friday, here are a few photos from our week. 

My daughter recently learned how to finger-knit. Some friends came up with this great idea - sell finger-knitted garlands for folks to put on their Christmas trees and donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. My daughter and I helped knit a few garlands, as our friends were overwhelmed with orders. How neat to see young people with a heart for the underprivileged... and choosing to do what they can to help! They will be blessed for their efforts... and Blankets for Orphans will receive a nice financial gift. 

At our friend Regan's house last week, the kids all enjoyed decorating gingerbread men.

Creativity on display - our nativity characters, firetruck style. Angel in the bucket. Three wise men on the ladder. Mary and Joseph in the cab. Baby Jesus hiding inside the back flap of the truck.

Good morning, sunshine! 
Smiley face oatmeal is a great way to start the day.

Happy Friday, y'all!  

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