Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Family Christmas and Imperfect Gifts


Last weekend we hosted my husband's side of the family for Christmas

We enjoyed a great meal - potluck style, with each family bringing part of the meal. I'm thankful that we have space to host such a gathering. This year, we served the food in the dining room and ate in our sunroom (which we cleaned up for the occasion). Our sunroom is big enough for 2 large tables and seating for 16, so it worked out well. 

Oftentimes, the focus of Christmas gatherings can be all about the gifts. Who gets what. The follow-up question is usually "What did you get?" Seems selfish. Seems gift-driven, consumer-driven, and totally missing the point of Jesus' birthday.

I am thankful that this year my husband and I talked beforehand about how to keep the focus more on Christ and less on gifts. He stepped up before the gift opening commenced and shared from his heart. It was beautiful.  He shared about our desire to give gifts, but that the truth is that all gifts we give are imperfect. Everything we receive will eventually decay, rust, rot, die, break, wear out, etc. BUT... the Perfect Gift has already been given. Jesus. He is the Perfect Gift, the One that never grows old. When we focus on the Perfect Gift, we won't be disappointed.

My mother-in-law's love language, however, is gifts. She likes to give lots of gifts and even though we have requested over the years that she cut back, she continues to give extravagantly. So we have opportunities to exercise self-control and thanks-giving. 

Here are a few pictures from the Christmas gathering.

 Niece Hannah and her friend Dominic with some gifts.

My husband with a "creeper" that he received, which is a great gift for him as he does a lot of work on/under our vehicle. 

My son received some new Lego sets, which he was very excited about. 

My daughter received this colorful new jacket from Grandma R. 

A silly gift for my son from Aunt Karen - a lovely lollipop.  

My daughter was SUPER SURPRISED to receive a Beta fish from Aunt Sheila. She's been saving up her money for a fish, fish tank, fish food, etc. She was completely shocked! 

Those who are interested stuck around to chat or play games. Settlers of Catan is a new-to-us board game that we checked out from the library for Christmas break.

We celebrate Christmas all week long with at least 3 and sometimes 4 parties along the way. May your Christmas-ing continue as you cherish your time with family and friends and give thanks to God for the Perfect Gift!


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