Monday, December 24, 2012

A Perfect Gift


It's Christmas Eve day. I received a wonderful surprise in the mail today

An old college friend Moriah mailed me a package. Moriah and her husband Ethan suffered a miscarriage this year, losing their precious little girl around 20 weeks. They named her Hope, because they found that name as fitting as we did when we lost our baby girl.

The card in the package read: Every baby should have a baby blanket. A friend recently made me one of these after the loss of our little girl. It was very special to me and I wanted to pass the gesture along. Praying that you know the peace that passes understanding. Love in Christ, Moriah

Inside the package were 3 tiny handmade baby blankets, one for each of our 3 babies in heaven. White with blue trim. White with yellow trim. White with green trim. Three little tags: Grant, Hope, Isaac. 

Perfect. Absolutely perfect. 

One of the difficulties for those who miscarry children is that there is nothing tangible to cling to. There is no tombstone to visit. There are no clothes that remind you of their scent. Their toys aren't around. There is no bedroom that was "theirs." There is nothing except maybe an ultrasound picture and often, not even that.

Having something like these blankets, something tangible, makes my heart glad. It is a simple reminder that my babies aren't forgotten. Their little lives had meaning and purpose... and they continue to, in the eternal life that awaits us. 

Every baby should have a baby blanket. So simple. So fitting on this Christmas Eve. Christmas makes us think of babies. 

I remember many years ago at a family Christmas gathering, each person present was asked what gift they would bring the Christ Child if they could go back in time to that first Christmas. All I could think of was a blanket. He was probably cold. He needed a blanket. Every baby should have a baby blanket. 

Thank you, Moriah, for the perfect Christmas gift and reminder!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas to you, my friend!
