Wednesday, November 7, 2012

C is for Cookie... and California!


My daughter did a report this week for her US Geography class at homeschool co-op. She chose the state of California to study and then give an oral report on. Although she was nervous, she did great (if I may say so, as her parent and as her Geography teacher). She shared details about landmarks, population data, gave a brief history of the Gold Rush and showed a few pictures as well.

Instead of sharing a traditional paper map of California, she made a cookie map! I first saw this idea over a year ago at this blog and bookmarked it to use at a later date. In talking with my daughter, she agreed that this would be a fun way to show what California looks like. She made the cookie herself and decorated it herself. I helped write the names on the toothpick flags, marking the largest cities, but she placed them. She put blue frosting on to show the water of the Pacific Ocean and used green frosting to show mountains in the east (hard to see these in the picture). 

Great job, Bright Eyes! 

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