Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pregnancy Update - Week 7


This week we had a doctor appointment and ultrasound. Here's our first baby picture of the one we affectionately call Peanut. Peanut is very small still, the size of a small bean. 

The ultrasound confirmed that the pregnancy is progressing as it should. Praise God! 

It also confirmed that I'm not as far along as we thought. My due date has changed from May 9 to May 19. This puts me currently at 7 and 1/2 weeks. 

I have started to experience some morning sickness, which is a wonderful thing. Morning sickness is caused by the increase of pregnancy hormones. I had a lot of morning sickness with my first and second pregnancies, none with the babies I miscarried. I don't know for certain, but it's possible that those miscarriages happened because my body wasn't producing enough of those hormones on its own. This time, my doctor has me on a low-dose of hormones to add to what my body is already producing. And I'm feeling sick... and I'm thankful for that! I take it as a good sign of normal pregnancy. 

My husband and kids accompanied me to the doctor visit. 

My 4-year-old son saw this picture of a 4-week old embryo on a chart in the office and said it looked like a striped dinosaur. Sorry, Peanut! 

My 9-year-old daughter was looking at this timeline of pregnancy and said "Ugh! We have to wait 40 whole weeks!" I can relate to that sentiment!

Psalm 126:3 The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!


  1. Continuing prayers for you all! Praise God for morning sickness! :)

  2. So, so wonderful! Such great news to hear! Keeping you and baby Peanut in our prayers.
