Friday, October 12, 2012

Family Photo Friday


It's Friday once again and that means that I post pictures to give you a glimpse into our week.  

My son is quite the drummer. He often grabs pots, pans and bowls to do his drumming.  

He's also quite the fix-it-man. Whenever Dad leaves a tool within reach, he finds a way to put it to use. Here he was working on removing a cupboard door latch. 

I don't have a picture of this, but wanted to document it. My son is learning to read! I've been working with him more on letter sounds and in the last few weeks he's read simple words like am, at, sat, mat. It never gets old to see the world of reading open up to a child!

We worked on this puzzle recently. This puzzle was being offered for free. I'm a sucker for puzzles, so I picked it up and worked on it for a day or two. It was missing 3 pieces = that's why it was free! But to find out that those 3 pieces were missing, we had to do the puzzle. 
And doing puzzles is fun!

Both my kids have shown more interest in working in the kitchen lately. Here they both are working together to make cookies. My daughter has been helping make bread once a week and often pitches in to help with supper prep too. I'm being more intentional about involving her and teaching her how to do more in the kitchen.

Sometimes my husband reminds that I should take pictures of the daily, routine things we do with our kids just to remind us of them when our kids are grown. So, I took this picture of my husband carrying our daughter up to bed. After giving me her good-night hugs-and-kisses, Dad takes our daughter upstairs and tucks her in. That's their time to debrief, talk and pray. 

Happy Friday to you!

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