Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Life

New Life. 

Back at Easter, I wrote this blog post about miscarriage and new life. At that point, the focus was on new life in heaven and rejoicing in the fact that my miscarried babies were enjoying life in heaven. I shared this picture of a beautiful blue hydrangea plant which was a memorial for my lost babies.

Now we're celebrating new life in a different way, as we rejoice with a new pregnancy that is so far progressing just fine. (Thank you, by the way, to those of you who have been praying for us!)

I wanted to share what has happened with that hydrangea plant since Easter. It was full of big blue blooms for months, as I kept the plant inside. Mid-summer we transplanted it outside. The big blue blooms quickly turned brown and shriveled up. We suspect the plant didn't like the summer heat or our backyard soil. But we left the plant there. A week or two ago, my husband cut off the old dead blooms and was shocked! He found these beautiful small pink blooms hiding in there! 

I just found the new blooms to be encouraging. 
New life, even when it's unexpected. 
New life, hidden behind the remnants of the past. 
Beautiful reminder of God's plans, God's timing, God's hidden plans, God's always-working-behind-the-scenes work to bring about good. 

I praise You, oh God, for new life all around!

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