Friday, September 28, 2012

Family Photo Friday


Another Friday is here. And it's the last Friday of September. The months just fly by. 

Here are a few photos I wanted to share.

My daughter has been done with Girl Scouts for over a month now. The troops' last big hooray was a weekend of tent camping at the end of August. My daughter loved it, especially since the camp had horses to ride too! 

I took pictures of my daughter's vest after just 1 year of being in Girl Scouts, to see her progress with patches and badges. Here's the front. The badges on the front are earned, through specific steps (usually involving some educational component and a fun, practical component). She's earned badges for Sign Language, Theatre, Bugs, Horses, and a few others.

And here's the back. These are "fun patches" which means they are related to some kind of fun activity she participated in - camping, canoeing, selling cookies, a luau party, a build-a-bear party, serving at the soup kitchen, donating items to Goodwill. There are a few patches that we bought just for nothing - one that said "homeschooling" and one that said "August Birthday." You can see that the back is filled up after just 1 year of scouting... I can now understand better why Girl Scouts has the girls buying a new vest (in a new color, with a new "level" of scouting) every 2 years. 

My daughter and I had some playdough fun one evening. Almost every night this last week she and I played Uno, which we both enjoy. We taught little brother to play too, so that added a fun new element. 

Here's my little guy saying good-bye to Dad one morning as he headed off to work. That's a tradition at our house - the "good byes" each morning as Dad leaves.

Our neighbor Sarah was over one day to play with the kids. They enjoyed making crazy creations with Fuzzoodles. My daughter had a belt with 3 eyes on it, a ring with 1 eye on it and a headband with scary teeth on it. I made some kind of a little buddy standing on the table by the globe. Sarah had earmuffs and a scarf made entirely out of Fuzzoodles. My son had a yellow sword. Fun times with a fun toy!

My daughter has been excited lately to work in the kitchen, baking and cooking. One evening she made us banana bread... ALL BY HERSELF! In this picture, she was making something called Twisters, which were like a biscuit that is rolled thin and twisted up to bake. She added green food coloring just for the fun of it. I'm encouraged to see her budding into a little chef who is getting more comfortable in the kitchen.

Happy Friday to you!

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