Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Garden Update


Our garden continues to produce. Every day or two we harvest a good amount of green beans and more cucumbers than we know what to do with. Note to self: add "canning supplies" to Christmas list with intentions of making pickles from next year's cucumbers. 

Our sweet corn was ready to harvest this week. We have been eating a few ears off and on, but this week we picked the rest of the corn. One day I blanched 36 ears, which produced 6 bags of approximately 3 cups of corn in each bag. Those are in the freezer for enjoying this winter. Then last night I did another 20 smaller ears that produced 3 more bags. The corn is very sweet and tastes delicious! 

We also have been eating cantaloupe from the garden this week. Fresh from the garden is WAY better than store-bought!

We have a lot of cherry tomatoes which are slowly turning from green to red. They are a great snack while I'm working in the garden. :-) And every now and then we have a few green bell peppers ready to pick. 

Our green beans seem to be almost done producing. They've done really well, giving us a dozen or more bags for the freezer in addition to fresh beans to eat at many meals in the last month.

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